Although gpg4usb 0.3.2 has a wizard, it did not arise magically out of nothing.
We put some work in a first start wizard, an offline help system and did bug fixing as usual (same procedure as every release).
Our translators worked hard on bringing your localized versions. 0.3.2 comes with nine languages,
the latest localisation is Arabic which was done by Ahmad (cheerio to him).

Unfortunately we had to remove italian localisation, since it wasn't updated since 0.2.5 and is really outdated now.
If someone likes to step in, the italian language files are still available. Since we didn't receive updated
Vietnamese and Burmese translations yet, these are still like version 0.3.1, so the new features are not translated.
New features:
- First start wizard with posibility to
- create new key
- import config and keys from old version
- import from locally installed GnuPG
- Integrated offline help system
- Dialog with result of key import
- Key details dialog more user friendly
- Zoomable text area
- File operation toolbar
- Added Arabian translation
Minor changes:
- Build with Qt 4.8
- Strike out revoked keys in keylist and add warning to keydetails dialog
- Change default iconsize to 24x24
- Show selection for keyring files in import dialog
- Understandable message if no private key found for decryption
- Add button to copy fingerprint in key detail dialog and remove whitespaces on copy
- Automatically restart gpg4usb on language change
- Change file encryption to single dialogs for en- and decryption
- Disable tab related actions when no tab is shown
- Fix crash on canceling password dialog on Windows
- Clear password cache after signing, if password remember isn't enabled
- Handle uft8 encoding correctly for keys
- Fix random crash when searching key on key server